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Saturday, 11 June 2011

Interrupting People, The Local Crazy and Wannabee Soldier Man.....

Hey all so after having a think about wether or not i should continue writing on here and speaking to a few different people, ive decided that i will give it another shot although my entries wont be as frequent as the once were, they will still be here.......*crowd cheers*......

so lets kick off this entry with something that really gets my back up and just irritates me to the max......that is people who feel the need to constantly interupt either my own conversations or if someone is explaining something to a group they want to butt in......for example at one of my recent training days for work....i was having a conversation with the tutor...when this loud mouth sitting at the back has to jump in on top and give his own opinion....its not your turn to speak so SHUT THE FUDGE UP!....if onli i could say that without getting sent out but i cant so oh well haha maybe next time........

OK so i find weird people highly amusing right?......right.....well yesterday i was walking past the local doctors surgery and sat on the bench outside was this old lady (heavily tattooed arms, slicked back greasy hair, no shoes you kno the type).....well me being me i had to keep an eye on her just to see what she might i sat and watched (for about a hour) and every-time someone walked past she would clap her hands and shout at them....was highly amusing to see the look on their faces as this clearly mental woman gave them a round of applause......she defiantly is the kind of women who will walk in the supermarket and shout at the cheese.......

Last thing i want to talk about about this guy....who....well let me describe him.....hes about 50-odd....not much hair....tiny mustache....oh yeh and he walks around in full army uniform!!!!......for any of you who know or can remember he bares a striking resemblance to Sgt. Slaughter who used to be in the WWE Wrestling.....hes clearly not in the army (my guess is he never has been)....but he frog marches all over the town.....whatever the weather you are sure to see him walking around as if he was on a routine thing i should mention tho (and this is how i know that hes a sandwich short of a picnic) one hot summers day last year....i was sitting by the river...when Sgt mentalcase cames over.,...crouches down and fills his water bottle up from the very dirty river and drinks it down.....mmmmmmm YUMMY....BLAHHHHHHHH....

So there we go folks hope ya'll enjoyed it even a tincy bit...ill hit you all a new post in the next few days...

oooo yeh before i go i want to do a quick shout a lovely lady who goes by the name The Blog Whore.....she writes a celebrity gossip based blog over at CELEBRITY RANT its a very good and funny read if you like reading a different view on some of the worlds celebrities...... sarcastic but very clever thats how i would put it :)....its kinda like what we all think of celebs but dont go check it out CELEBRITY RANT CLICK HERE


1 comment:

  1. Those crazies are all over the place.

    Glad to see you're going to continue writing.
