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Thursday, 3 February 2011

Chavs, Stop looking at me dog and You might not know but...

Hey All...Well after my grouchy day yesterday i thought today id try to write about more happy things......HAHA AS IF!!!....Thats just not what im about......

Ok so i realise many of the people who read this blog are from countries other than England, so this part might not make any sense to you.....but over here we have a new wave of infestation, a group that makes cockroaches bearable, a group who bring only bad to the world....yes THE CHAVS!!!...
Now chavs (for you people) are youth's who wear tracksuits, baseball caps, hoodys and just cause trouble......well where i live i thought was a chav free zone....that was until last night about 2am when, what i thought was the end of the world, turned out to be 4 different cars pull up with their music blaring and these 'human beings' got out obviously quite drunk and started causing trouble.....Now i say its time, time for a change, Time to wipe of the scum.....WHOS WITH ME....*AHEM*....

Haha ok after that little rant heres something a little bit more funny. ok heres the story, i was in the high street looking around, when i passed this shop that had a dog sitting outside, now this dog clasped his eyes on me as soon as he saw me (i dont know why, back to the dr doolittle thing) and as i made eye contact, that was it i was trapped. Our eye contact didnt break the whole time i was walking, it was some kind of weird connection.....until i walked into a lamppost and hit my head....DAMN DOG!!!

Ive been searching the internet lately trying to find some interesting stuff that i didnt know about and i came accross this ineresting website with facts on it.....and id like to share some of the more interesting ones with you too see what you think.....

1. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange,
purple and silver (other than nurple, morange and ermmm....)

2. If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will
instantly go mad and sting itself to death. (Who was the sadist who
discovered this??)

3. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space
because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them. (haha im sorry but that is too funny, 'Houston we have a problem, ive just farted')

and finally...

4. It is impossible to lick your elbow (ok hands up who tried this...i kno i did)


1 comment:

  1. If I ever become and astronaut I'd better not eat sugary stuff. That makes me fart more than anything else.

    As for Chavs, you should be in stevenage. We have two night clubs for them and no one goes onto the leisure park on Friday/Saturday night unless they are a chav, or just 'want' one.
